International Seminar & Workshop on Public History:
Working with the Past in the Present
Universitas Indonesia
Center for Research on Society and Culture, Faculty of Humanities, Universitas Indonesia in collaboration with the International Federation for Public History invites academics, researchers, students, PhD Candidates and public history practitioners to an International Seminar & Workshop on Public History: Working with the Past in the Present to be held in Depok, 26-29 November 2019.
This is the first promotion and engagement of Public History in Indonesia as part of the internationalisation of Public History initiated by the International Federation for Public History. For Indonesia, this seminar and workshop will discuss what public history is and how it applies in Indonesia as a new alternative for preservation and presentation in history. The development of this new study is expected to help public historians to better contribute to Indonesian historical activities. For International public historians, this event is an opportunity for sharing their experiences on practicing public history in their own countries.
We invite graduate and post graduate students, academics and those without academic affiliation but working, conducting or have interest in public history to submit their proposals with various themes on:
- History & Memory
- E-history (history magazine)
- Digital history
- Oral history
- Local History
- Urban History and Smart Cities
- Community Heritage
- Diaspora in History
- Visual history
- Museums, Exhibitions, Archives
- Historical Tours
- History for Educations
- Historical Journalism
- Popularisation of History
- History & Media
- History related Games
- Mining History
- Art History
- Environmental History
- Sport History
- Education History
- Anti-Regime History
- Popular Art History
Applicants must send an abstract (250 words maximum) in English of their topics and presentations. Abstracts must include the name of the applicant, the title of the presentation, a short description, and the contact details.
Abstracts must be submitted before 30 SEPTEMBER 2019
Please submit your abstracts to
For information on accommodation, transportation, and getting around Jakarta and Depok, see here.